Wednesday 15 February 2012

Mission Update

Dear ladies and gentlemen,

This is a blog update on the mission.

So far, I am afraid that the mission is not going well. With hindsight, I realise that perhaps I was a little bit optimistic in thinking that maybe, just maybe, I would be able to watch 8 films in 5 days whilst working and Herbert-sitting. Not to mention, being a girlfriend and a daughter. Oh life- how complicated you are!

Anyway, regarding the mission- which was (in case you have forgotten), to watch all the Harry Potter films and turn Herbert into an HP fan.

I must admit- I had visions of the Herbster, running out of the room in terror at the sight of Voldemort... but no, he just looked at the television with disdain... as if to say... 'and?'

To be honest, maybe this wasn't my finest idea (although I do sincerely hope to be able to watch all of the films in one go). Herbert is more interested in hiding my sock's and Dave's underpants. He has no interest in Harry and the gang: none what-so-ever.

Aside from hiding socks and pants, Herbert seems to be much more interested in when he will be able to have a run, what he'll get for dinner and where he's going to sleep. Ah... the life of a dog. What utter bliss it seems!

I'm going to end this blog with a solemn vow to try to watch another film and at least make Herbert growl at Voldemort if he won't go running out in fear. Currently he's looking at me, wondering why I'm writing and not tickling his tummy... so ladies and gents, I must depart and indulge Herbert with some attention.

Until next time,


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