Sunday 12 February 2012

My mission, should I choose to accept it is...?

Dear fellow Movie Bluffs,

My name is Mildred McManus and this week, I am on a mission.

This week- from today until Saturday, I am Herbert sitting. (Before I go on, I should probably explain- so as to avoid causing any confusion, Herbert is a dog. But he's not just any dog: he's the most wonderful dog in the whole wide world). So you see, Dave and I don't really mind looking after The Herb-monkey as he is really just a glorified teddy bear... just real.

Herbert the dog- as you may have guessed, doesn't actually belong to us. He usually lives with my Auntie, but this week she's on holiday (or should I say, on vacation?), as she's gone to NYC (aka 'The Big Apple'... reason unknown. I mean, are there actually exceedingly large apples in New York? You know, larger than anywhere else in the world? I should've asked Auntie Jules and Uncle Nick before they went. Maybe, they should've been offered the mission- should they choose to accept it, to see if there are actually any unusually large apples in The Big Apple. That way, at least this huge life conundrum would be answered).

Anyway, I'm waffling! I was going to tell you what my self-inspired mission is for this week. If you are partial to a bit of Harry Potter, then read on! If you're not such a Harry Potter fan... please read on also!

This week; my mission- should I choose to accept it; which, before I go any further, I should tell you that I do accept- is to watch every Harry Potter film from the first to the last. Now, I know that may sound a little boring, but that's not it... no Sirree! I have decided to share these films with Herbert (and Dave or course), in the hope that Herbert might really, really like them and then become a bit of an HP fan. Hopefully, the plots won't be too complex for the little 'Bert- he's only 2 and a half (in dog years that is- not human years, because that would be irresponsible). Personally, of all the films, I think he'll most relate to the third one- Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban, because Sirius Black is also a part-time dog... just the same as Herbert... well, not quite the same because- as far as I'm aware, Herbert is a full-time dog.

Right-oh, now that I have announced my mission to the world, I'm going to get started shortly. Evidently, this blog is in part inspired by Harry Potter, but also, Mission Impossible. However, unlike in Mission Impossible, this message will not self-destruct in the next 10 seconds.

I'll keep you updated you as to how the mission goes. Wish me luck!

Miss Mildred McManus

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