Sunday 13 October 2013

My first week at drama school

Why hello there ladies and gents, it's me- Mildred. How are we all?

Today's blog is a slight retrospective number about my first week at drama school... eek! I can't believe that it's already been a week- can you? When I was chatting with Dave on the phone the other day, I said: "... and usually I do this, but sometimes I do blah, blah, blah." To this he replied after a lengthy pause; "but darling, you've only been there three days." It's amazing how quickly we adjust to a routine.

Are you familiar with the wonderful Finding Nemo? Yes? No? Not sure? Hmmm. Well, this was me on Monday morning (much to the horror of the London commuters):

I love it- I'm just so excited to be learning again! I'm even getting used to the 12 hour days. My alarm goes off at 5:50 a.m. (a time that until last week I did not realise existed twice in one day) and I leave the house by 6:30 a.m. I am home by 7.00 p.m., but I wouldn't change it. Working in the film industry involves very long days- I'm looking at this phase in my life as one giant rehearsal.

I love, love, love my course. I get to learn about lots of technical acting things that would sound quite boring to a non-actor (different techniques, exercises etc). But I also get to learn about sword fighting. Apparently- according to my teacher, I have to work on my aggressive face. This is tricky- I'm not sure if aggressive face is in my repertoire. To help with this voyage of self-discovery, I purchased a sword (plastic and made in China- most definitely not in a blacksmiths) with my good friend Anna and we spent much of yesterday afternoon sword-fighting in between bouts of giggles as we tried to find my aggressive face.

Anyway, it's been a long week. I'm looking forward to next week. From now on I am enforcing a strict 'lights out by 10 p.m. policy', and you know what? I'm actually enjoying it. I miss Dave, but at least he's always at the end of the phone. Where oh where would be without technology? Until next week, I bid you farewell as I go to make my sandwiches for tomorrow.
Mildred x

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