Mildred the Film Reviewer

Hello everyone,

I have recently decided to branch out and into the world of films. I have decided to become a reviewer- Mildred stylee (and yes, that is en route to becoming a real word... I hope).

I am going to be a kind and considerate reviewer. But also- at the same time, I shall be honest... nicely. There's no point in being nasty is there? It doesn't seem to do anyone any good.

When Dave and I were at the Edinburgh Fringe Festival in August 2011, we read hundreds of reviews. But to be honest, I didn't really agree with many of them. For instance, Dave and I watched a comedy show which was absolutely hilarious... so funny in fact, we saw it three times (but that's beside the point). Then we found a review of this particular show. To our utter surprise, it was given just 1*. So it was at that point that we decided not to take that much notice of what the reviewer said. It was also at this point that we realised that a review is ultimately just someones opinion.

You don't have to agree with what I say- you don't even have to like what I think, but I hope it inspires some of your own thoughts. Having been at the receiving end of several different reviews, I can appreciate what it feels like to have your work reviewed by a total stranger. All of a sudden, the opinion of this faceless person becomes tantamount with how you feel about your work. A good review can bolster your confidence. By the same token- a bad review can send you crashing back to earth with a bang.

So it is for these reasons that I would like to write a balanced account of a film, taking into account factors such as how successful the film was in it's specific genre. For example, if it is a comedy, did it make me laugh? Did it make me properly laugh from the depth of my tummy; or did it just make me giggle sporadically? Basically, the things that don't tend to make reviews or aren't considered important!

If you have any films you would like me to review, please feel free to make any suggestions in the comments box below.

Looking forward to this new venture... as well as continuing with the trusty blog!

Mildred the Reviewer x

Would a reviewer put an 'x' at the end? Probably not. Am I being unprofessional? Ummm... I think not. I'm just being friendly!


I'm going to archive my film reviews here... enjoy!

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