Sunday 29 January 2012

Can you believe it? My 50th post!

Hello everyone and welcome to my 50th blog!

To mark this occassion, I have decided to review the key things that have happened since I began writing my blog way back in March 2011. For obvious reasons, I'm only going to choose the items of interest, otherwise this would make very dull reading indeed. No, actually, I'm going to pick my favourite moments!

So, March:

Erm... after much deliberation I have decided that March is a month of little consequence, so I'm skipping it. Next!


Oh April... you were not a good month for me, were you? I say this for two reasons:

1). April was the month of the doomed interview (I'm PIA-ing... I'm Post Interview Analysing and I can tell you I was not on form... ). Not only did I drop my CV off to the wrong garden centre, but I researched the wrong market and started spouting off facts that were about the other garden centre when I was being interviewed. Not to mention, I turned up to the interview dressed in high-heeled smart shoes and classic interview gear, only to see that the next candidate was wearing an anorack and steel-toed shoes (the footwear of choice I've since been told). One word: DISASTER.

2). April was also the month when Grandma played Cupid and set me up on a date (which- I would like to add, I had exceedingly high expectations for: (I wanted to bring you a success story, but I have to face facts: I am a dating disaster... ). Unfortunately, said date did not go to plan... especially when I inadvertently managed to turn myself orange. I remember it well: on Sunday, I was an English Rose. On Wednesday, I was an English Dandelion. A day later, as I wrote that blog, I was the colour of a satsuma. Since this unfortunate incident, I have never fake-tanned, preferring greatly to be pale and interesting. I have just one word to sum up this incident: ORANGE.


In May, I decided that the time had come to absolve myself of any wrong-doing over the years and to dish out some well-earned thanks: (A series of thank you's and apologies ). Unfortunately, I accidentally publicised Scott's (secret) phobia of spiders to the world... now I've just realised that I've (accidentally) done it again. Oh well, it's out in the open now so I may as well share with you what I wrote: 'SORRY for all the spiders that you've thought I've removed from various locations for you Scott. Sometimes they went into my hand and out the window, other times they didn't. Of course, on those occasions I'd always say that the spider was long gone when in reality, it was probably hovering pretty close to your bed/ close to you... Sorry, really I am!


June... what a peculiar month you were.

1). I learnt what it felt like to be in your ever loyal stead (AKA your car) and experience the feeling of insignificance and total inferiority to the beauty of a machine parked next to you. In my case, I was in my trusty Poop Mobile (Ford Fiesta) and somehow ended up parked beside a brand new red Aston Martin (Yesterday, I had my first experience of car-o-feriority). There was a wonderful twist to this tale though, when I realised that: 'Next to my poop smattered Fiesta was a poop splattered Aston. For once, I felt grateful for a little black and white speckling on the bonnet and would have gladly accepted a little more on mine, feeling blessed that a bird would share itself with both the Prince and Pauper of the car world.'

2). I learnt what it felt like to be surrounded by folk aged over 60 for over 100 solid hours. (And let me tell you, 100 hours may not sound a lot... but it is)! That holiday with Grandma was certainly an interesting experience to say that least (Life with a coach-load of old folk (and me)). 

3).Very sadly, at the end of this month, I lost my beloved car- better known as The Poop Mobile (Farewell my friend). We had some good times, you know.

So dear friends, I am going to leave this blog here. Let's call it 'PART 1', shall we? Otherwise, it's going to become a blog-essay. PART 2 will follow shortly.

50th blog... I'm thrilled!

Mildred x

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