Monday 23 January 2012

January's whizzing past, but are my new years resolutions doing the same?

Did you make any new years resolutions? I did. Foolishly you might say; I made five.

If you resolved to do certain things in this new year, have you managed to do what you said? I have... sort of. I seem to have a few grey areas though. The kind of  'have I, haven't I?' kept them resolutions.

On Tuesday 3rd January 2012, I wrote a blog and bravely shared my New Years Resolutions in the hope that the public sharing would be an incentive to keep at them. I declared that I would:

  1. Write my blog at least twice a week.
  2. Learn something new every day.
  3. Make other people around me happy.
  4. Never eat stuffing again, after experiencing a stuffing overload at Christmas.
  5. Floss every single day.
I suppose, more-or-less, I have managed to keep my resolutions fairly well. I mean, I have been writing at least twice a week and- most importantly, very much enjoying it. Likewise, I have not touched a piece of stuffing, let alone eaten any. Really, I have been put off for life... or several months at least. 

But aside from icky stuffing and writing, I have indeed been flossing every day! (You know, flossing: the string between your teeth... put like that, it doesn't sound quite so nice). But, that is what I have been doing and friends- my teeth are looking mighty fine!

So, I can tick resolution's 1., 4. and 5. off my list. 

Number 2. and number 3. are a bit trickier to cross off. The trouble is, they're rather subjective. I mean, how do I know if I'm making people around me happy? More to the point, how do I know if I've learnt something new every day? These two resolutions don't have clear boundaries: they're not black and white or yes I have/ no I haven't. I think- looking back, they're actually rather silly. 

You see, the trouble about learning something new every day is whether you can remember what it is that you've learnt. I've been thinking- while I've been writing this, trying to remember what it is that I've learnt... but I can't remember anything. And that, dear friends- is not good. But does this mean that I am not keeping this resolution? Or do I simply have an appalling memory? I just don't know any more. The boundary between learning and forgetfulness is becoming increasingly blurred.

In the meantime, I think I might start taking up brain exercises- sudoku and the like. What's the worse that can happen? Six months later I realise that yes indeed, my memory is shockingly abysmally poor? Or, all of a sudden I become a bit of a human computer spouting a hundred facts a day? Maybe I'll take the bad memory after all. 

To all of you who have read this, I wish you a wonderful week ahead and hope that I have completed resolution number three: put a smile onto your face. 


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