Wednesday 25 January 2012

Swimming. Mascara. Not a good combination

I suppose that this is really a blog for the girls... unless you are not a girl, but in actual fact- a man who has an appreciation of the horrors of mascara.

Yesterday, Dave and I went swimming.

Before timidly entering the tepid pool, I got changed into my swimming suit (or- for our friends across the pond, my 'bathing suit'). Recently I've upgraded from a two-piece to a one-piece, although I'm not really sure if it is an upgrade after-all... maybe it's a downgrade? It is just so much more practical!

Anyway... by the time I'd tied my hair back, put everything in my locker and participated in some general time-wasting activities in the changing room, I finally emerged. As I dipped my toe in the pool, I spotted Dave in full-on swimmer's mode. He'd already swam about half a dozen lengths, whereas I had a tally of zero.

Thinking I didn't want to fall too far behind Daves' length count, I took the leap of faith and jumped into the water. As I surfaced, the man next to me gave me a quizzical sort of look, as if to say 'oh dear, you look like you need a mirror'. I turned away from him, thinking that maybe I'd just imagined this look, or maybe- just maybe, this was his natural face?

I then pulled my goggles on and proceeded to launch into some very impressive swimming. After ten or so minutes, I caught up with Dave where we had a nice chat, clinging onto the wall.

"All right Mils?" he asked me as he emptied his goggles of excess water.

"Yep, feeling great! We should do this more often." I smiled at him as I turned away to take my goggles off and attempt to make my soaking hair look as elegant as possible.

Turning back to him, he somehow managed to let go of the wall and- with much splashing and commotion, sunk to the bottom of the pool. Seconds later he popped back above the surface. Immediately he suggested that I should go beneath the surface.

So I did... unsure why. When I resurfaced, delightful Dave gasped at me in horror.

Apparently I no longer looked like a human being.

Apparently I no longer looked like a Mildred.

Apparently I looked like a panda.

Worst of all, I had to do the swim of shame back to the ladies'... only to find that I was wearing the world's most stubborn mascara THAT WOULD NOT COME OFF.

So I put my goggles back on and left them on until I got home.


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