Wednesday 1 February 2012

My 50th Post Celebration! The second and final part*

* Or, as an alternative title, Post Number 51! Hmmm, doesn't quite have the same ring to it, so we'll stick with My 50th Post Celebration! The second and final part.

Hello to you, wherever you may be in the world! Currently I am writing to you from the UK, from my house, from my lounge where I am draped in scarves and poncho's in an attempt to be warm (although you probably don't need to know that)... You may, however- be interested to know that I have exceedingly cold toes (reason unknown. I just do).

Anyway, I'm not here to tell you how cold my toes are (although, that is a subject I cold easily write about at length). No no, I am here to bring to you the remaining highlights of the life of Mildred (AKA me), so far.

So, we come to July:

In short, I got a haircut, had a cold and attempted (very poorly) to write my life story. Although, looking back at these blogs, I can tell you that though these events may seem mundane and trivial, they were in actual fact life defining moments- particularly the haircut (By jove, I've done it: I've only gone and become a fully fledged adult this morning!), as I realised that I'd left the childhood me behind and become a grown-up.

Likewise, I managed to catch a cold at a very crucial moment (My body has waged war on me when I need it most). Looking back, it's quite amusing how dramatic a simple thing can be made. I drew this blog to a close with: 'Let battle be won through mentholated madness, soup, hot honey and lemon  and regular nasal dousing. I will not succumb to the battlefield, nor will I succumb to snoozing drowsily in bed with a hot water bottle. I will fight this cold valiantly until the end. But first, I think I might indulge in a nice hot bubbly bath... As of 12 hundred hours today, Mildred v MB (Mildred's Body) has begun. May the best Mildred win.'


Loads of stuff happened in August- too much to write about! But the basics: well, Dave and I went to the Edinburgh Fringe Festival- an international theatre festival situated in... Edinburgh. We met some wonderful people and I debuted my play that I had written (loosely based on my life) called Mildred McManus for World Minister. It was an interesting month where I learnt four important things:
1). It rains in Scotland. A lot.
2). My raincoat was not waterproof.
3). My shoes were not waterproof. But...
4). mascara was waterproof.

My top three August blogs are (in no particular order):
1). People, flyers and the categories they fall into
2). My final show in Edinburgh
3). I welcome some new friends into my life: lovely wellington boots


Basically, I visited Bulgaria with some friends. Whilst there, I read the autobiography of Julie Andrews (AKA Mary Poppins) and decided that when I returned to England, I would need to watch several Julie Andrews related films... which I did and very much enjoyed. Oh, I also became a part-time decorating-builder.

January 2012:

Ah, January... Such fond memories. This was the month when I was introduced to Mission Impossible and had my first palm-sweating-I-can't-believe-this! cinema moment (My first palm-sweating cinematic experience). I also made a public appeal for new members to join the Day Dreamer's Association (WANTED: New members to join the Day-Dreamer's Association ), became engaged (and then unengaged) to Dave (The tale of the engagement that never was, one woman's lifetime ban in the kitchen and goodness only knows what else...) and lost a sock (The curious incident of the missing sock), although I'm sure you'll be relieved to know that said sock turned up... eventually.

As I draw this- my 50th blog (part 2) to a close, I would like to dedicate it to two lovely ladies that I met recently. I don't often do this sort of thing, but I would like to today.

So- as a thank you for your presence on Saturday and Sunday, I dedicate this blog to Shirley and Lynne (who know who they are).

Mildred x

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