Friday 17 February 2012

Mission Conclusion

Hello friends,

On this day- Friday 17th February 2012, Mildred McManus is about to break the news of how disastrous this (optimistic) mission really was. I will do so through a series of probing questions:

  1. Did I manage to watch all eight of the Harry Potter films? No... that's the simple answer. Absolutely no point in lying (although that would- to be honest), be rather easy to do... but I'm not going to lie.
  2. Did Dave watch all eight Harry Potter films? Er... no. In fact, he refused to watch any of them with me, choosing instead to sleep/ have a super long shower/ cook (each mentioned item he did, but you can choose whichever one you think is most interesting in this story).
  3. Did Herbert watch all eight Harry Potter films? Again... sadly not. 
  4. From the films that Herbert saw, did he became a hardcore Harry Potter fan? As much as it pains me to write this, no he did not. 
  5. Did Herbert bark at any of the films? Have a guess- I'm sure you'll get it right. It's a no.
  6. Did Herbert run away from Voldemort? Nope, not once. 
  7. Lastly, did Herbert have any sort of response worth sharing? I'm thinking... and thinking... and thinking some more. Did he have any exciting responses to HP? Er... does going to sleep count? Probably not... so no, Herbert didn't have any exciting responses.
Therefore, I- Mildred McManus can conclude that the mission was a major failure. Of course, I'm disappointed to share this news as I must admit- I did think that Herbert might have at least growled at Voldemort and barked in approval at Harry. Unfortunately, this wasn't to be. 

To end this blog on a positive note though, I would like to say that after a week in my care, I am very happy to report that Herbert is happy and in one piece.

Farewell friends.

This blog is linked to the following: My mission, should I choose to accept it is...? and Mission Update

Anyway, regarding the mission- which was (in case you have forgotten), to watch all theHarry Potter films and turn Herbert into an HP fan.

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