Wednesday 29 February 2012

Did you just hear that rip?

It's not very often that you get the chance to say this, but happy leap year people!

Supposedly, February the 29th is the one day a year that a woman can propose to a man... So, before we begin- I would just like to make it known that I will not be one of those women... ever. When I get engaged, there will be romance. The tale of the proposal will go down in history and be the stuff of engagement dreams. Super nice. But call me traditional- which I think I am, in every engagement imagining I've ever permitted myself, I have never once been the proposer- I've always being the proposed to; the one asked, not the asker. This is not about to change... Poor Dave, please don't read this and be put off... but you've got a lot to live up to in a few years' time, my friend!

Anyhoo, back to reality. This blog is based on a rather blush-worthy incident that I believe happened last night. However, I could be totally and utterly wrong: this incident may have happened last week. If that's the case, my rosy cheeks may well rocket off the blushometer.

Last night, I was driving to work which- to be honest, wasn't that exciting. When I arrived, I parked the car (as you do) and then had a read of my book as I had a bit of time. Unfortunately, the book took an exciting plot turn, completely engrossing me and making me forget that I was sat in my car in a very uninspiring car park. Catching a glance of the clock, I suddenly realised that I was about to be late.

Throwing my book aside, I grabbed my relevant music books and flung the door wide open. And then- that may or may not be the moment when I heard an ominous 'rip' as I hurried to get out of the car. You see- I have forgotten to mention that I was actually wearing a rather smart and fitted dress to the knee. It was so fitted in fact, that it didn't really give you much room to move. It actually made driving a little tricky as you can only really move from the knee's down. This dress is also not conducive to running. Likewise, it has a very specific car-exiting manoeuvre... that I don't believe I properly applied.

So at one point or another, I somehow managed to rip the back of my dress. Yes, there was already a split at the back. No, it wasn't intended to reach the top of my leg...

Did anyone think to mention this to me? No.

Did I even notice? No, not until I got home and was changing into my pyjamas.

The thing is, I can't recall when the dress ripping incident actually occurred. For all I know, it could have happened a fortnight ago. Maybe it was last week? I just don't know. What I do know though, is that it was rather embarrassing.

I'm sure this won't be the last blush-worthy incident, but I'll be honest- there have been many many more! But that's for another blog.

Thank goodness for computers: at least you can't see my rosy complexion!

Ladies- beware of the pitfall's of the fitted dress. Let this experience be a lesson...


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