Sunday 4 March 2012

I have a dream... Sort of.

In the words of the legendary Martin Luther King and the even more legendary ABBA, 'I have a dream'. Yes ladies and gents, I indeed have a dream.

It has come to my attention, that now we are in the month of March- which, in case you didn't know, means that we are officially approximately 8.3 % of the way through the year of 2012. (Please don't ask how I reached that figure... it took a lot of time and patience... the story to finding this figure is deeply boring... but also deeply concerning. 8.3 % is almost 10 %. Did you know that?! I'm sure you did).

I find it alarming to already be in 2012's third month. I am now just 29 days away from my birthday and I'm starting to become a little bit concerned with what I've managed to achieve since my last birthday. (On a separate note- Mum, I haven't decided what I would like for my birthday. Thank you for asking me on a weekly basis since the 10th January. Unfortunately, you're persistent questioning hasn't sped up the pondering process. I'm sure I'll have decided something the night before D-day. If I haven't... well, we'll get to that later).

Anyway, anyway, anyway. As I was saying. Last year I wrote a blog about pre-birthday analysing (Why oh why do I find myself (year after year), doing the obligatory what've-I-achieved-in-the-previous-year birthday analysis?). Specifically, I wrote this blog on birthday eve- which, with hindsight, may not have been my best decision. However, I'm not going to dwell on it now as I still have a couple of weeks to (attempt) to achieve some of the goals I set for myself. Doubtless to say- I shall be reviewing this shortly.

Earlier, I mentioned that I have a dream. Just like Martin Luther King and ABBA, I too have a dream. But I have decided- now that we are in March, that I need to do more to enable me to achieve this dream. It's funny, but my dream actually stems from one of my New Year's Resolutions. I resolved that I would try to make other people around me happy. To achieve this, I will use various different means including writing this very blog, performing music, teaching, acting, entertaining and just being honest.

By now you'll all know that I write, but my problem is that I'm not very good at concentrating on just one thing and sticking with that. I'm more of a... what's the word? Hmmm... Not procrastinator, because I do do things. No no... I'd say I'm more of a... flitter. Yes, that's it: I'm one of life's flitterer's. Meaning I flit from one thing to the next and back again. I do finish things... eventually.

However, at the moment I am doing something pro-active towards achieving my dreams. Currently, I am sending demo CD's of my music to the record companies. It's a long and slow process, but maybe- just maybe, the right person is out there. I'll keep trying. In the meantime, while I'm waiting, I'll flit to something else. I don't suppose it's easy, trying to create a voice for yourself. But I'm sure that with patience, dedication and hard-work MLK and ABBA's hard work would have paid off.

We're now in March, so I have now resolved to work harder and to stop procrastinating (which I do so well). I'll play the waiting game, but I won't stop dreaming.

Mildred x

PS If you'd like a listen to a couple of examples of my work, they can be found here: Two of my compositions. I should tell you now- to avoid confusion, that I perform and write under the name of 'Francesca Cox'. She's my alter ego!

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