Tuesday 21 February 2012

The story of the good deeds

This blog tells of the story of the good deeds.

Tomorrow is Dave's birthday.
Sunday (the day before yesterday), was Dave's fake birthday.
Trust me, these facts are both relevant.

For Dave's fake birthday, I decided to throw him a little party 'do. It was very nice, very quaint and oh-so-Britishly-old-fashioned! The party featured a small and intimate guest list... not quite into the region of double figures though. So I suppose that makes the guest list, well, minuscule. There was six of us (five if you don't include me as I was the hostess... and just four if you don't include Dave as he was the main shibang. Without Dave the party wouldn't have existed. Actually, without me the party wouldn't have existed as I was the party-organiser-extraordinaire).

Anyway, anyway, anyway, Dave didn't really know what to do to celebrate his birthday, so I took matters into my wonderfully cared for hands and decided to organise something. He said he didn't need to do anything, but I knew better. What he really meant was, he didn't want to cause any hassle, meaning he was happy to just chill out instead. I have to admit, it did take me a while to work this out. But once I'd got through the silly customary boyfriend/ girlfriend rule-thingy of saying one thing but meaning another, we were onto a stonkingly good party.

I bought balloons- two different sorts. One packet was a total success... in that they inflated. The other was a total party-pooping failure... in that no matter how much air was donated, the darn things wouldn't inflate! I mean, what sort of balloon doesn't become a balloon?? A bad one. That's not a joke, but a real true story.

I bought food and some yummy beverages. I also bought a birthday cake (failure rate was too high if I were to attempt to bake one. Last year, I attempted to bake a cake and it kind of erupted: it became a volcano cake. To disguise it, I cut off the burnt bits, covered it in green icing/ frosting (as that was the only colour food-dye in the cupboard) and then sprinkled a load of sweets on top to substitute for the rocks and lava). However, Dave's birthday cake was blueberry inspired and- if I don't say so myself, very tasty indeed... until it came to me adding the candles.

Instead of traditional ones, I'd decided to get candles that spelt out 'h-a-p-p-y b-i-r-t-h-d-a-y'. The only problem with these was that they took about a zillion years to light, so by the time I'd finished, the candles read 'n-a-y-p-y o-i-r-t-n-d-a-y' (which I believe is pronounced as 'naypy oirtnday'). And then, as a consequence of the quick burning, I was left with puddles of wax on the cake! Honestly, what is it with me and birthday cakes? None of my plans ever go right...

Not to worry though, as it was rather amusing; as was the rest of the afternoon. Everybody had a wonderful time and laughed. A lot. So what a party-pooper I was to be the person who had to put an end to the shenanigans as I had work later that evening...

A little while later, Dave and I collected two lovely lady OAP's* called Joan and Sylvia. I have known them both for an awfully long time and thought that they were thoroughly deserving of a night out. So Dave and I took them to see me... in concert. And what a marvellous time they had! Which in turn, made Dave and myself feel great as we were doing something that brought so much happiness to other people. More to the point, I am also fulfilling New Year's Resolution number three: to make other people around me happy. Does it feel like a chore? Not in the slightest.

So dear friends, I am going to end this blog with a smile and hope that you have one too. This is the story of the good deeds; something that can't help but make you feel fabulous for doing a few simple things. I shall try to do them more often.

But for now, I am going to end this blog by wishing Dave a very naypy oirthnday! Happy birthday's so last season, don't you know?!

Mildred x

* If you are American or of non-British decsent, an OAP is basically an old person.

Coming soon... The new and improved Mildred!- the New Year's blog. 

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