Tuesday 10 September 2013

A blog full of If-ism's.

Yep, that's right. This is a blog that is full of if-ism's.

It's been a while since I last wrote to you all, so I hope that this is a welcome return. I hope that you are all well and have been keeping busy! I certainly have. Since I last wrote to you, the thing that's kept me most busy is this malarkey that we call thinking. I greatly enjoy this past-time it must be said.

Although, to some people thinking can easily be mistaken as:
a). day-dreaming
b). pondering
c). musings, or
d). the worst one of all (or the best one- depending on which view you take): procrastinating.

Anyway, anyway, anyway. I have been killing time lately by over-indulging in the world of thought. One day I stumbled into uncharted thinking territory and began wondering if life would be a little more interesting if we were a little bit more honest.

For example. The other day, I had spare ribs and a rosti-esque concoction for dinner. However, if you asked me what I honestly had for dinner, spare ribs and a rosti-esque concoction becomes: goop covered ribcage with a side dish of vegetables that have been left to fester in their own juices before being stuck back together. Hungry now? I think not.

I then started thinking about loads of other dishes and came to one startling conclusion: if you start being a little bit too honest about your food, you're well on your way to becoming a vegetarian as- soon enough the honesty will spin your appetite.

In the spirit of being honest, I have to say that I don't really fancy becoming a vegetarian. It's not the bacon that I'd miss and it's not the beef with Yorkshire puds. No, it's a bit more simple than that. I couldn't become a vegetarian because I just love jelly babies a little bit too much- that's the gospel truth. I am a jelly baby-a-holic.

On that note, I think that I have answered my own question. Would it be better if we were all that much more truthful?

The honest answer is no. Sometimes we just need a little bit of gloss and glitter to make life that much more sweeter and palatable.

Until next time,

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