Thursday 12 September 2013

You've got a friend in me

I have often wondered what is the secret to a long lasting friendship.

As much as I would like to be able to give you some perils of wisdom. No, that's not right- perils of wisdom must be quite frightful. Let's try again. As much as I would like to be able to give you some pearls of wisdom, I'm not sure what to say.

There are some things shared between friends that bond you for life. Just ask Dave about the food poisoning incident. That wasn't a pretty sight, trust me. And yet, it is a glorious memory that we both can share (though it's not shared very often. We've got to be scrapping the barrel a bit with that memory).

I am fortunate to have met many people- both good and not so good. I am also fortunate to be able to say that the good people I have met have gone on to be the most wonderful friends I could ask for.

Two such wonderful people have taught me the meaning of true friendship. With them I have shared laughter and tears, tears of laughter and genuine tears (not necessarily in that order). I have dreamt with them as they have with me. Together we have shared heartache and helped each other through. These friends are not just friends for Christmas: these girls are my friends for life. I am blessed to be able to call myself their friend and privileged to know them. You girls know exactly who you are, but if you don't these snippets should jog your memories:
  • Remember the time when we spent the afternoon pretending to be animals as part of my drama development for my degree? Kangaroo's have never since been as interesting.
  • How about the time when we were so bored that we decided to stage the world's most awful fashion show? Think Absolutely Fabulous!
  • Or what about the speed dating extravaganza? Totally unforgettable with my partner in crime.

  • Remember the time we went out and ordered Pina Colada cocktails, only to find out at the end of the evening when we were super tipsy that we'd been drinking alcohol free ones all night? Swines!
  • How about the times we spent in a certain coffee house, making one chilled drink last as long as four hours as we sat writing in the corner, laughing so much we should probably have been seated on the floor for health and safety reasons?
  • Or what about the time we stayed in the hotel with no window and the stinky sewage loo?
These are the memories that make a friendship. Fifty years down the line, when we're old and grey, I know I'll be saying to these girls: thank you for the good times. Now how about a nice blue rinse?

I dedicate this blog to you.


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