Tuesday 26 July 2011

By jove, I've done it: I've only gone and become a fully fledged adult this morning!


On a day like any other with no particularly redeeming features, I had an astonishing realisation. I realised that I have indeed become a fully fledged adult today. Technically- age wise, you might argue that I was already there (which would be rather tricky to argue with as I am in my mid-twenties).

However, I have never really considered myself a 'proper' grown-up... until today that is. For a while now, I have felt as though I am floundering between young-adulthood and official adulthood- as if I don't really have a place in either. For want of a better phrase, you might say I have been in 'no man's land'. And if you did say that, I think I would have to agree with you. 

Anyway, I had my moment of realisation in a place I seldom visit, whilst partaking in an activity I seldom do. That's right; I was having my hair dressed. (Why they call the hair salon a hair dressers is something I had previously never stopped to question... until today. But I didn't question it out loud- only in my head. But really, dressing your hair? A most peculiar phrase).

I feel I should explain, as I believe that there are two camps of women when it comes to hair dressing experiences. There are those that savour every moment of it as they chat with their regular stylist, whilst enjoying a nice cup of tea (due to being regular clients). And then there are those that don't particularly enjoy staring at themselves in the mirror for the duration of the cutting, whilst you talk to a stranger wielding a pair of scissors.

I, fall into the second camp.

Usually, my normal hair dressing experience consists of the following:
  • avoiding making an appointment until strictly necessary.
  • planning in advance a new drastic haircut, and then doing nothing about it, apart from maybe having two inches cut off instead of just the one.
  • sitting uncomfortably in my seat as I make chit-chat with my reflection and the hair dresser.
  • moments of awkward silence between topics of conversation.
  • and of course, the obligatory 'yes, I can see the difference' bit at the end of the event when they show you the back of your head in the mirror. Normally I can't really see the difference as I don't study the back of my head enough to know if a substantial difference has in fact resulted.
Today, however, was different.

I arrived at my 9:30 appointment ten minutes early. Instead of having to sit down on a really low sofa, I was ushered straight into one of the salon chairs and wrapped in the customary cape. At this point, I usually start to feel uncomfortable as I have to watch my floating head make expressions I don't even realise I make, but that discomfort never arrived. This did surprise me because nobody looks flattering in those wraps, or when under the harsh lighting. But today, I thought I didn't look too bad, (even when under the lights that usually leave me looking like I departed this planet many years ago).

I managed to deflect the subject of conversation from me and onto a load of hairdressing stuff that I was reading on a sign in front of me. As a consequence, my trip to the hair dressers became an educational experience. I learnt about things like hair extensions, creating volume and  foils- all stuff I'm sure will come in useful (one day).

The best thing about this appointment, was that I was in and out in no time at all. There was no dilly-dallying. Just quick scissor snipping and that's all folks (!): my kind of session.

As I was walking back to the car (after paying, of course), I realised I had become a grown-up. Gone was my younger-person awkwardness that usually accompanied a hair dressing venture. And gone was that peculiar sensation that you get when you talk to your reflection. Until those things had passed, I don't think I was ever going to be able to join the ranks of real adults the world over. So all in all, not bad at all.

Although, I do think- with hindsight, that the eradication of these awkwardnesses may have had something to do with the hairdresser being a fellow named Freddie. I must thank him for properly- and at long last, inducting me into the world of adulthood. It was my first experience of having my hair dressed by a man, but it was an experience that exceeded my expectations as Freddie coiffed my barnet to perfection.

Mum- Dad- if you're reading this, you'll be pleased to read that I have finally become a fully fledged adult. It has been a long time on the horizon I know, but I was just waiting for a pivotal life event to make me realise. I mean, I know I'm debuting my life story  in a short time in Scotland (which does happen to be a real job ******- you know who you are), but now I feel ready. And I'll tell you why I feel ready.

The girl staring back at me in the mirror was me. For the first time, I realised that I didn't want to change a single thing about me- nothing.

And that was when I knew I had become an adult: when I accepted I was who I am.

So, with that I draw this entry to a close. I write, wearing a smile of contentment, happy with the knowledge that I have finally transitioned through an invisible barrier, out of no man's land and into a life I am very happy and excited to lead.

From a now real grown-up,


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