Wednesday 3 August 2011

Mildred has arrived in Edinburgh!

Friends, I write to you from across the border as I have arrived in bonny wee Scotland. I'm not really sure what I expected. Perhaps I was a little too optimistic to imagine that there may have been some sunshine, but this is- after all, Scotland. But I shall live in hope!

Yesterday morning, I lived up to the expectation of the British tourist: I sampled the delights of a traditional Scottish Breakfast. (Do we call it a Full Scottish here, as at home? Or is it just simply a Scottish brekkie? Oh, the small things that take on such importance!). But no, I was going to tell you that on my plate was haggis! There was also black pudding and a potato thingy, as well as the regular guests of a cooked breakfast. I thought it was pretty good of me to nibble on innards that I'd never nibbled before, without making any involuntary faces that may or may not suggest that the experience was less than enjoyable.  On a separate note, I can say with full conviction that I have done the touristy thing. I have sampled the Scottish delicacies. I need not sample again. I'm a girl delighted by simple things and will be sticking with corn flakes, thank you very much.


I've decided to keep these blogs short and sweet whilst in Edinburgh. I will try to write to you everyday- if not every other. 

I did have very good intentions- (now, they are just 'good'), as I was going to write to you on the 31st July. Unfortunately, that writing never materialised. I was running behind schedule, and then I had loads of stuff to do that was unanticipated, such as cleaning. 

But, Sunday was an interesting day for me as I had a significant revelation. Sometime in the afternoon, I realised that my friend Dave and I, were about to drive some 400 miles to Edinburgh to debut a play about my life. Yes, I have known I would be here for some months, but it never quite felt real. 

So you can understand the dauntingness of the Edinburgh Fringe Festival (where there are over 2500 shows this year!), there were various questions running through my mind I am going to share with you. Imagine today is the 31st of July and they will make sense.
  • Question: What is going through my head? Answer: Millions of different musings and wonderings, all nearly colliding with each other but just narrowly missing.
  • Question: Why is my mind Mildreding me? Answer: Because today (as in Sunday), is the 31st of July 2011 (which has now passed) and I have just realised I am about to embark on something rather scary!
  • Question: Why is this date so significant? Answer: Because today it is MPD-Day (otherwise known as My Personal D-Day).
  • Question: What does MPD-Day mean for the world? Answer: It means, friends, that the time for waiting is over. The time for venturing to the land of Scots has arrived. Yes that's right: the Edinburgh Fringe Festival is awaiting a Mildred.
Anyway, I am going to sign off now as MPD-Day has now become MPD-Week.

So, a rather excited Mildred bids you farewell with an ironic 'och aye, hullo!'. I'm thinking I'll fit right in, don't you?

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