Thursday 18 August 2011

A mish-mash of Edinburgh gooble-de-gook

Hello hello lovely friends,

I hope that you are all well, happy and dry. (It will come as no surprise to you to learn that I am writing to you whilst it is raining outside- no joke. Really, my writing has become a form of procrastination: flyer or write... flyer or write... flyer or write? There is no contest. Evidently, I prefer to write to you)!

So, this morning, I awoke early- not to the sounds of delightful birdsong, oh no. But instead to the roar of a lawn mower, cutting the communal grass less than eight hours after midnight. That's right: before 8am. Unbelievable! And when you're keeping later hours than you would do normally, it is not a pleasant alarm clock. (Admittedly, I do try to ensure that I am in bed the right side of midnight, otherwise I fear that- like Cinderella, I will encounter major problems post-midnight. However, unlike Cinderella, my transportation is not an issue- and neither is my dress. Nope, I'm more concerned about looking more and more like a panda with the less sleep I get. So- naturally, I like to be in bed- though not always asleep, by 23:59). So I would just like to un-thank the person who thought it was a sensible idea to mow and do goodness only knows what else at such an early hour.

Anyway, following our previously futile attempts at flyering, Dave and I decided to think outside the box and try a different method of attack. Stuck to the bottom of the boards that we were wearing, emblazoned with my face across our chests, we attached signs that Dave had geniusly created. We had signs to appeal to all sorts of people: 'SALE SALE SALE: Every seat must go!'; 'No gimmicks or weirdness! Just a fun play with music and Mildred!'; 'Fabulously fabulous show!! Come and enjoy Mildred's funny and fabulous journey. Laugh, cry, have fabulous amounts of fun!'; and so on.

We branched out even further still, and decided to give away some biscuits too. (I mean, wow, talk about generosity!). We thought that it was a fail-safe way of getting the audience in, however we had not foreseen how picky people would be when it came to freebies. Two people declined the biscuits because they were without chocolate and another, because they were not McVities (er, hello, we're not made of money?! And as Dave has just pointed out to me- they were free!). But between us, I had not foreseen this situation arising. I mean, I was overjoyed at my free pens, notebooks and t-shirts. It didn't matter that the pens were blue and black, that the notebooks were without lines and that they didn't have any t-shirts in my size. It didn't matter in the slightest, because they were free!!

Right, rampage over...

I hope that you are all enjoying the Summer, wherever you are, whatever you're doing. I'm not going to write a huge amount today, but I am going to leave you with several parting thoughts and other bits and bobs that don't merit an entire paragraph!
  • Last night, to escape the festival madness, Dave and I decided to take advantage of the fact that it was Wednesday and headed out to the cinema. It was a nice change to be in a different environment and we enjoyed the film. What we did not enjoy was the permanent moving and knocking of our seats, courtesy of the people sat behind. Particularly, as it seems, that wherever I go, and whenever I go to the cinema, I always manage to plonk myself in front of the chair knockers. I guess, I must just give out an aura that says I enjoy a complimentary back massage when watching films, as it never happens anywhere else.
  • I have had a delightful morning, catching up with some old friends- Olivia and James and cannot wait for them to see the show. Enjoy the rain you guys!
  • I saw a rather funny show by two ladies called Working Wo-mens Club. It did what the title says and consisted of a series of sketches given by women whose characters were in some way connected with working women's clubs. I left smiling- which is what you'd like after a piece of comedy.
  • I went to another seminar/ workshop/ thing yesterday morning and learnt that, in the UK, the professional actor works for just 11 weeks a year. Did you know that? I for one was rather surprised.
  • I would here like to declare that I am still very much enjoying my show, which is interesting, as I would have thought that I would start to get bored with my life... but no! I am still waiting for the boredom to set in, but I don't think it ever will as a very wise man- Anthony Reimer, said to me that you must always remember that each audience is seeing it for the first time, so behave as such. I took his advice on board and I am now a revolutionised woman! Thank you Anthony.
  • Lastly, but by no means least, I would like to thank Dave for being so wonderful for the duration of our time in Scotland. But also, for all his help, because without Dave, things would be rather different. It's wonderful to be able to share this journey with my best friend, so thank you Dave.
Right, I think that's everything covered. Until we next meet!


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