Tuesday 9 August 2011

My latest escapades from Edinburgh

I am confused. Is today really Tuesday? What I am fast discovering is that life here at the Fringe must be lived through a veil of incomprehension to enable all the days to blur together, and thus, become one giant day. I could be writing to you on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday or Sunday- any number of days. I mean, I'm fairly certain that today is a Tuesday... hey-ho, I've got a one in seven chance of being right, so I think I'll go with my instincts and say that yes, today is Tuesday.

Yesterday I performed my play after making a few tweaks. I am pleased to report that all went well- there was even a bit of tittering from the audience... result! I learnt a fabulous quote this week from the delectable Lynn Ruth Miller, who said: 'remember to laugh, because you can't hear a smile'. I am inclined to tell every living soul I meet to bear this in mind, as it would- really, make life that much easier. But I haven't told every living soul that I've met, because most of them I don't know, so they might perceive that as being a tad rude. Ah, well, the Fringe is still in it's early days. Just wait until next week, and perhaps I'll be telling you a different story!

After my play, I went to see a hoot of a show by Kev Orkian called Kev Orkian: The Guilty Pianist. I laughed and I laughed and I laughed a bit more- he is a very talented man, both as a performer and a person.

Later, I went out to dinner with Dave. Despite being rather ravenous, when the nosh did arrive, I could only manage half (sometimes even I don't understand how my body works- if it's a mystery unto you it is a mega-mystery unto myself). So, Dave asked for a 'doggy bag'- in other words, a strip of tin foil with your left-overs, usually for your own consumption and not animal-kind's. Anyway, the waitress turned around and said that this wasn't a Scottish custom and that if we wanted our remnants, we should really be in America as it is what they (apparently) do. Suffice to say, we were stunned. I mean, we're by no means connoisseurs of the restaurant trade, but- as a former waitress, I had never before heard such a load of gumpf before.

Do forgive me for the shortness of this blog- Dave and I have got to hit the Royal Mile and indulge in some more of our least favourite past-time: flyering. (In case you wondering, we still haven't improved that much since I last told you how rubbish we were. However, we have invested in large boards which we are going to wear... as a heads up, boards will be the newest accessory on the catwalk. You heard it here first!).

So, since I last wrote to you, I have learnt that:
  • if your audience are few and far between, you play to the invisible spectators (a piece of advice given to me by a real-life famous person who was- and is, lovely).
  • my jacket- though it may not be waterproof, IS windproof- hurrah!
  • my shoes- though they may not be waterproof, ARE windproof- double hurrah!
  • Edinburgh exists in a parallel universe where the days are indistinguishable from each other and time has a peculiar habit of speeding up and then, slowing... right... down.
  • I reiterate, this flyering malarkey is darn hard.
  • finally, to always believe in the work you are doing- especially when there are so many different and diverse shows, because I truly believe that eventually, all the hard work will pay off.
So, until my next blogging session. I wish you health, happiness and a hearty breakfast in the morning (because that is what I am yearning for).


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