Thursday 19 April 2012

Hello from another time zone!

As you read this, I should be in sunny Cyprus with the delightful Dave.

I can't really give you much to go on at the moment, as I'm writing this in advance. But what can I say? Thanks to the magic of computers, you can still read this blog. Genius!

It's taken about 12 hours to actually get to our hotel.You know, from leaving home to arriving. But I don't mind- the fun is about to begin!

Hopefully I've packed the right sort of things. Last time I went to Scotland in August, I packed summery clothes and shoes- by which I mean flip-flops and pumps. Nothing at all that I had with me was waterproof... which proved to be a very foolish move... as it rained every single day... for three weeks. Really hoping that isn't going to happen!

This time-travel malarkey is really quite extraordinary. Dave and I are now an hour ahead of Mum and Dad back at home, which is weird. But not as weird as when I had a friend who stayed in New Zealand. My friend- Toby, lived out there for a few months, but his today was our tomorrow. And his yesterday was our today. They are 13 hours ahead, but still, isn't that just totally bizarre?

Anyhoo, I am hoping that you are all well. I'll be in touch very soon. In the meantime, I'm off to test out my flippers with the fish.

Mildred x

Tuesday 17 April 2012

Less than 24 hours to go and I'm yet to start packing...

You know, I really think that I might have my priorities a little bit wrong.

You see, as I write this, I have just realised that I am actually supposed to be going on holiday in just 17 hours. By the time this is posted, it will be even sooner. 

But as per usual, I have not packed a thing. Not a sausage. Nada. Ne rien. Nothing. 

I do not appear to have learnt from any mistakes in the past, because if I did, I would already be packed and ready to go. 

Perhaps my priorities aren't what they're supposed to be. I mean, a sensible person would probably do their holiday packing before writing their blog. Maybe I'm just not sensible after all. I don't know. But if I'm not sensible, then that definitely makes Dave even less so. He hasn't even opened his suitcase yet- it's still in its wrapper. At least mine is ready and optimistically waiting. 

I suppose I really should go pack. After all, it's T minus 17 hours until departure. Before I do, I feel I should just leave a note for my Mum... you know... to explain why I'm so bad at packing. I think I'm just too excited!

Note for Mum:

Mum, I know that reading this must be a little bit disappointing for you. I mean, you've trained me well over the years. It's not your fault that I seem to have an innate ability to pack anything over 24 hours before I'm due to go away. What can I say? I've done all my laundry and all my ironing- so far so good; and I've even got my suitcase out. Well, I say out- I bought it from the shop two weeks ago and it never got put away. It's just patiently waiting to fulfil it's suitcasely duty in life. I guess all I can really say is, I'm truly Dad's daughter and I think that I've inherited his non-packing abilities. Yep, that's got to be it- it's genetic, so don't worry!).

Anyway, I'm going to go. I really can't put this off any longer. 

Mildred the Cyprus-bound adventurer is flying off... now where is my toothbrush?


Wednesday 11 April 2012

Broadening my horizons... at the pub!

Monday night is 'movie night', with the exception of Monday 9th April 2012.

Monday night is 'date night with Dave', with the exception of Monday 9th April 2012.

On this particular Monday- the 9th April 2012 (not sure why I'm stating the year... we all know it's 2012 don't we?), I did something a little bit different.

I was asked to play the piano in a public free house (AKA pub to you and me). I haven't actually played in a pub before, but it was a rather interesting evening. I brought with me oodles of music, not really knowing what was expected of me. So I kind of did a bit of this and that, which was nice.

Though as I say, this was my first experience of twangy pub piano entertaining. Perhaps that showed in my outfit... may have been a tad over-dressed in my formal fitted trousers and crisp white blouse. Might have been better opting for torn jeans and flip-flops. But hey, I wanted to make a good impression. I mean, I've got the outfits down to a tee for my posh hotel gigs and church related shenanigans. Can I look elegant for a wedding? Yes. Can I do formal funeral blacks? Yes. But can I look like a surfer-dude in a pub? Don't think so. 

Am I familiar with posh hotel etiquette and music? Yes. 

Am I familiar with church etiquette and the music? By jove, yes.

Am I familiar with pub etiquette? Nope.

Nevertheless, I played for my hour and had a nice time. It was made super nice by the fact that Dave was there with me. He's my groupie! How cool is that?! I've never had a groupie before, but now I have one because I have a Dave. NICE.

Will I be playing in a pub again? No idea. But it's all good experience. It's funny, as I think that the more I hone my craft and the more I perform, the more I learn how to cater for different occasions and audiences. Likewise, it makes it even clearer to me what I would eventually like to do in life. Music, writing, performance and acting are it. I'll keep dreaming and I'll keep trying.


Monday 9 April 2012

I'm going on holiday... and I'll be double-knotting my bikini!

Hello. My name is Mildred McManus and I am super-duper excited. 

My excitement may be a little bit premature, but I'm going on holiday in... hold on- let me work it out... just a moment... I'm going in... just 9 days!

Dave and I are going to Cyprus for a week. When we're there, I'm going to make friends with the sunshine whilst wearing factor 30 sunscreen- you can never be too sure. Safety first! 

We're going to go snorkelling and join the mermaid population. Can't wait- so exciting!

We're going to go to a ginormous (a cross between gigantic and enormous... only it's bigger!) water park, but to be honest- I probably won't do those stupidly high slides with a vertical drop. They are far too dangerous, but not for the reason you may think. Yes yes, I am sure that they are perfectly safe and that you won't plummet to your impending doom. No, I'm not sure that they are conducive to bikini wearing... Just one teeny tiny loose tie needs to get caught and ahhhh!, you're ever so slightly over-exposed. Plus the force of those slides can cause any item of clothing to- well, put quite simply- rise. So a rather foolishly dangerous slide to use I think you'll agree.

We're going to look at some old stuff that might be a bit crumbly but is supposed to be architecturally and historically significant. Perhaps I've made a mistake in using the phrase 'old stuff', as according to Dad the correct term I'm looking for is ruins. Looking at ruins never sounds that exciting does it? But I think once you're there and you're kind of living in the moment of the history, it's a bit more interesting. I mean, how cool is it going to be to stand in the same place where once upon a time a real life Roman stood? That's my inner-geek revealing itself right there!

One of the things I'm most looking forward to is the opportunity to spend my birthday money. I'm going to treat myself on something that I've always wanted to do: I'm going to get covered in mud and then wrapped in seaweed! Cool eh?! I don't really know why it's been such an ambition, but it has. I didn't fancy a conventional massage, but would still like to be able to indulge in something a little memorable. Roll on the seaweed! 

Anyway, I'm going to leave it here for now. Cannot believe that I'm almost ready for our holiday- such an unusual occurrence! Just take a look back at A whirlwind hello and goodbye! if you wish to see how unprepared I usually am. To give you an idea- I was packing within 24 hours of departing the UK. That doesn't give you any wiggle-room at all and I am determined to attempt to change my ways. I am going to become a reformed Mildred. Yes indeed.

In the meantime, I'll be sure to double-knot my bikini at all times as you can never be too sure.

Mildred x

PS Happy Easter to one and all!

Friday 6 April 2012

Flying through the tree-tops

Hello wonderful people,

As promised, I am sharing a video with you. In this video, I am at the top of a very high tree, way above the forest floor. I'd already zoomed along on a lower zip-line, but this one was considerably larger and longer.

I will admit, I did get a little scared... but it was too late to back out!


Right- not that you need to know this, but I've just realised that my entire post has been deleted (minus the first couple of lines). Thank you computer. Thank you technology. No longer can life go on without you, no matter how infuriating you are. 


Instead of spending ages blah-blah-blahing, I'll just write a teeny bit here instead. 

In the video, I am unfortunately not looking as glamorous as if I were at a red carpet event. But hey! It's live field work. This is my first video in my pursuit to one day become a Blue Peter presenter, and then loads of other things after that. Hopefully, you'll see how brave I am... or not, as the case may be.

Anyhoo, do enjoy a brief moment of what it must feel like to be Tarzan.

I suppose this is the marvellous thing about computers- you can be Tarzan from the comfort of your own seat without breaking into a sweat, or- for that matter- breaking any bones.

Oh, I should also add that Dave is the wonderful camera man, high up in the trees with me. He's fiercely loyal, continuing to film me right until I land rather awkwardly in a great big heap at the end. Definitely not a stunt double for James Bond! What you can't see is all the wood chip on the floor. What you also can't see is all the wood chip on me. And in my shoes. And trousers (AKA 'pants' if you are reading from across the big pond. That would be bad if it were in British pants...).

Right-oh, I'm signing off now. Until we meet again,

Tarzan's girlfriend Mildred- (move over Jane, there's a new kid on the block)!

Thursday 5 April 2012

Tarzan and Jane? I think not! Tarzan and Mildred? Oh yes.

Yesterday, I went on a tree-top adventure with the boys to celebrate my birthday... a few days late I must confess. And what an adventure it was.

I put aside any girlieness that I may have had and joined Dave, Dad and Harry the dude. We spent the day, harnessed up in harnesses that the boys thought were uncomfy, but- I had to disagree here, as I thought they actually had the possibility of becoming the next season's must have accessory. Remember- you heard it here first!

As if to prove how great the harness is, I have uploaded this picture for your delectability. Yes, I am on the ground, but I can assure you that I did spend much of the time in the air.

I have to confess, I did have visions of Harry the dude losing his shoes whilst 10 metres (30 feet up). I just imagined he'd be whizzing along a zip line and then, all of a sudden- poof!, his shoes (or shoe) is gone, lost to the forest below... Thankfully this scenario did not happen.

I'm going to keep this blog nice and brief, but tomorrow I'm going to include a video for you to watch that stars me, because if it didn't it would probably not make much sense as to why it would be on my blog. It is shot way up high and in the freezing cold. (I couldn't really tell the boys I was cold because I would have received zero sympathy. Likewise, I could show no sign of fear because otherwise I'd have been called that terrible below the belt insult: a girl. And I can tell you- no way was I going to be called a girl! No siree).

It was a fabulous day- so much good fun! Swinging through the trees, zipping along like a bird and just hoping and praying that my harness was going to hold!

I'm going to fly off now. Fandangoooooooo!!
