Monday 9 April 2012

I'm going on holiday... and I'll be double-knotting my bikini!

Hello. My name is Mildred McManus and I am super-duper excited. 

My excitement may be a little bit premature, but I'm going on holiday in... hold on- let me work it out... just a moment... I'm going in... just 9 days!

Dave and I are going to Cyprus for a week. When we're there, I'm going to make friends with the sunshine whilst wearing factor 30 sunscreen- you can never be too sure. Safety first! 

We're going to go snorkelling and join the mermaid population. Can't wait- so exciting!

We're going to go to a ginormous (a cross between gigantic and enormous... only it's bigger!) water park, but to be honest- I probably won't do those stupidly high slides with a vertical drop. They are far too dangerous, but not for the reason you may think. Yes yes, I am sure that they are perfectly safe and that you won't plummet to your impending doom. No, I'm not sure that they are conducive to bikini wearing... Just one teeny tiny loose tie needs to get caught and ahhhh!, you're ever so slightly over-exposed. Plus the force of those slides can cause any item of clothing to- well, put quite simply- rise. So a rather foolishly dangerous slide to use I think you'll agree.

We're going to look at some old stuff that might be a bit crumbly but is supposed to be architecturally and historically significant. Perhaps I've made a mistake in using the phrase 'old stuff', as according to Dad the correct term I'm looking for is ruins. Looking at ruins never sounds that exciting does it? But I think once you're there and you're kind of living in the moment of the history, it's a bit more interesting. I mean, how cool is it going to be to stand in the same place where once upon a time a real life Roman stood? That's my inner-geek revealing itself right there!

One of the things I'm most looking forward to is the opportunity to spend my birthday money. I'm going to treat myself on something that I've always wanted to do: I'm going to get covered in mud and then wrapped in seaweed! Cool eh?! I don't really know why it's been such an ambition, but it has. I didn't fancy a conventional massage, but would still like to be able to indulge in something a little memorable. Roll on the seaweed! 

Anyway, I'm going to leave it here for now. Cannot believe that I'm almost ready for our holiday- such an unusual occurrence! Just take a look back at A whirlwind hello and goodbye! if you wish to see how unprepared I usually am. To give you an idea- I was packing within 24 hours of departing the UK. That doesn't give you any wiggle-room at all and I am determined to attempt to change my ways. I am going to become a reformed Mildred. Yes indeed.

In the meantime, I'll be sure to double-knot my bikini at all times as you can never be too sure.

Mildred x

PS Happy Easter to one and all!

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